NOVA Instrumentation Day 12 October 2023
Dear NOVA community,
We hope you have enjoyed a lovely summer and have had a good start of the new academic year. At NOVA, we are excited about the year to come: after having secured long-term funding for NOVA, the time has now come to start making plans for a new 5-year period ("Phase 6") to start in 2024. For this reason we are inviting you to the NOVA Instrumentation Day on Thursday, October 12th. The location will be in Utrecht, at the MeetUp venue of the Jaarbeursgebouw (next to Utrecht Central Station).
The objectives for the day will be twofold:
First of all we would like to update the community on the current state of the instrumentation program. Some instruments have recently started observations or are about to do so. This is a great time to learn about the data coming from these instruments and how you can make use of them. Other projects are just in their definition phase and can use community involvement in their design refinements.
Secondly, we will be opening a call for new projects for Phase 6. At this day, the NOVA Research Networks will present their initial ideas. The plan is to discuss these ideas and brainstorm in an open and creative atmosphere. Note that this will not yet be the time to prioritize and down select the proposals.
We kindly ask you to register before October 3rd via the link below. This is important as the venue as a limited capacity. The draft program can be found beneath the registration link.
With kind regards, on behalf of the NOVA Board and Directorate,
Thomas Wijnen
NOVA Instrumentation Coordinator
Registration has closed. There is still (very) limited capacity. You can contact to check if in-person participation is still possible
Session 1: ELT
11:00 - 11:20 Break
Session 2: Sub-mm
Session 3: Ground-based surveys
12:35 - 13:30 Lunch
Session 4: Space
14:15 - 14:35 Break
Session 5: NOVA instrumentation call
15:50 - 17:00 Plenary questions and discussion on instrumentation call
17:00 - 19:00 Drinks