Mini-symposium PRIMA science and mission overview

by Margaret Meixner (JPL/CALtech)

Three far-infrared probe mission concepts were submitted last year to NASA in response to the Announcement of Opportunity of an Astrophysics Probe mission with a cost cap of 1 billion dollars. The selection results for Phase A study are expected to be announced very soon, between early October and late December. One of the proposed missions is the PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA), which will carry a far-infrared spectrometer and a multi-band spectrophotometric imager/polarimeter, offering a massive sensitivity leap in a wavelength range only accessible from space, with orders of magnitude increase in mapping speed.

We think that this is a perfect time to invite all of you to get to know more about PRIMA and its unique scientific capabilities. In the second week of October, Dr Margaret Meixner from the PRIMA mission leadership will visit the Netherlands/SRON, which already plays a key role in PRIMA by provision of MKID detector modules and LVF technology. Dr Meixner will give an overview of the mission and its prospects, followed by two science talks on galaxy evolution and the origin of planets.

The mini-symposium will be hosted on Wednesday 9 October at 15:00-16:15 in the SRON Leiden office, with a hybrid format. We invite you to attend in person if you can make it, or connect via Zoom otherwise. The full programme and some logistic information can be found below.

Please kindly reply to this email ( if you plan to participate. We look forward to your presence!

Best regards,

Willem Jellema (SRON), Lingyu Wang (SRON/Kapteyn) and Karina Caputi (Kapteyn) on behalf of the PRIMA team




Mini-symposium PRIMA science and mission overview


Date:                     Wednesday 9 October 2024

Time:                    15:00-16:15 (CEST)

Location:            SRON-Leiden and Zoom (hybrid)

Address:             Niels Bohrweg 4, 2333 CA Leiden

Room:                  Sentinel/Athena seminar room

Zoom link: (see also below)


15:00    “The PRIMA mission and science program” – Margaret Meixner (JPL/Caltech)

15:20    “Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes since Cosmic Noon” – Alberto Bolatto (University of Maryland)

15:40    “The Origin of Planets and their atmospheres” – Klaus Pontopiddan (JPL/Caltech)

16:00    Discussion and closing remarks

16:15    End of event


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